5 Apps To Grow Your Business

Just started a business? Too much to take in? Worry not, we have compiled a list of Applications to make handling your business easier and eventually help you grow.

5 Apps To Grow Your Business

It is important to keep up with the trends and the speed of the world if we want to grow our business, especially with the rapid developments and demands of the digital world.
With the globally widespread networks, keeping track of the business has moved way beyond ledgers, pen, and paper, it is a complicated deal. Therefore, we need to equip ourselves with the right applications and technical support to stand strong.

We have put together 5 Apps that would help you grow your business this 2022.

Apps to the rescue for Every Business Professional

Apps to the rescue for Every Business Professional

Organization and To-Do

When there are multiple tasks at hand, and a team working together, assigning, delivering, and communicating the completion of tasks becomes a necessity. One such application that helps with the organization of tasks, both personal and team's, helps list to-do and track the progress is Asana.

asana, one of the 5 apps best for business professionals

Asana is a dashboard for managing the workplace aiding communication within teams. You get to create and assign tasks and check the progress of the overall project. You can also integrate other applications like Slack, Google Drive, and Outlook.

Other such apps are Trello and Monday.


The 'text me' in the professional world is a little different than the regular messenger that we use, while email exists, we need something less time-consuming, more convenient to use, and less complicated.

5 business growth apps

Slack, a business communication  App is one such solution to the problem. With adorable emojis, fun communication, thread replies, and heavy file sharing capacity, Slack is extremely user-friendly and one of the coolest free communication apps for professional environments.

Customer and Business Management Tool

In every business, whether you have products or services, you will have some sort of customers. Which also means that you need to manage them. A CRM tool or business management tool is another category you would need an application from.

Workbell app you need to grow your business

Workbell is designed to manage service businesses efficiently and reliably. Helps with scheduling, invoicing, payments, and such for your customers and employees. It will definitely make your life easier. It is extremely user-friendly, one application for entire business management!

Though it is easy to use, you can get started with this.

Social Presence and Networking

Definitely in terms of marketing, one requires some sort of platform. It helps with networking, looking for leads, hiring processes and placing your firm in the market.  

Networking tool for your business

LinkedIn is definitely a platform specifically for professionals, placing your product or service correctly here would result in a lot of networking, leads and traffic.  

Editing and Creatives

From posters within your business to designing your social media posts, an editor is a must. Though there are several editing platforms, however, Canva is a go-to for basic videos and posts with thousands of templates, designs, and sizes. Designing Creatives is made really easy by Canva.

Editing tool for business

We hope that this list was a starter for your needs to boost your business.