6 Ways HR Can Help Your Business Grow
HR is a vital component of any successful business. Learn what it does and how it can help your business!

Human Resources plays an important role in business growth. HR department, believe it or not, is one of the most important departments in any organization. HR professionals have a lot of knowledge about their field, they help businesses grow by providing them with the right people.
Importance of HR Department
Think about it, the human resources department is responsible for hiring new employees, training existing ones, and managing employee relations. It also handles payroll, benefits, and other aspects of employment. Any scalable business, with or without an HR department, cannot perform without these basic functions.
So if these functions are that vital, why not equip one's business with a reliable HR department?
HR is often overlooked as a critical part of a company's success. But without it, companies would struggle to function.
Let's dig deeper into how adding a HR department can be beneficial or how your existing HR department can be utilised the right way! Learn more about how it works and how it can help you grow your business!
1. Hiring, Recruitment and Onboarding
Well it does seem basic and obvious, however, it is genuinely critical. A great HR department can work towards determining the most effective methods to recruit. They need to manage the employment process, from screening resumes to assessing assessments and scheduling interviews. While joining, the first touch a new employee gets from an organisation is through a HR, and it has to reflect what your company needs to reflect to new employees. HR can also find the most helpful and effective applicant tracking method and save a lot of time for the company.
This was about the employees, however the HR should be extremely aware of the needs of the company or specific department workforce, the skills, the expectations and even the attitude that fits right for the position.
This completes the entire process of the HR to hire, recruit and later bring a suitable candidate onboard.
2. Training & Development
Employees cannot fall stagnant or reach burn out, it is necessary to keep them on their toes, not with work but with knowledge, new learnings and training. Though it might seem like a waste of time, a good HR would know how important it is to bring effective and well trained employees, and keep them equipped with the smartest and fastest methods in their fields.
3. Employee Benefits
HR is responsible managing employee benefits which includes everything from payroll to retirement plans. Apart from professional development, it is necessary to keep the spirits, moral and satisfaction intact in workspace. A uncomfortable or tired employee equals less effectivity. A HR is responsible to build a good employee-employee relationship, a good manager-employee relationship and so on.
4. Handle Employee Issues
HR also handles employee relations, which means they handle issues like workplace harassment or discrimination. They may even provide legal advice when necessary. HR professionals know how to make sure that every employee is treated fairly and that everyone has access to the same opportunities.
They understand the importance of diversity and inclusion, and they work hard to ensure that everyone feels welcome at work.
5. Minimising Liabilities; Safety & Risk Management
It is the HR's responsibility to ensure safe and hygienic conditions at workplace at all times. Spreading awareness, ensuring sanitisation, keeping First Aid and safety measures are also a HR's responsibility. Especially after the pandemic it has become a greater role.
If the workplace includes working with hazardous or risky equipments, safety of the employees has to be overlooked by the HR.
HR also needs to learn of, investigate and then solve office or workplace issues that in case left unattended, could spiral out of control and become a huge issue in the organization.
6. Managing Salaries, Wages and Building Strategies

A HR has a lot of research to understand the functions of the competitors, of their own organisation, conducting surveys and building the most effective strategies. Be it salaries, be it bonuses or increments, the decisions need to informed ones.
They might need to participate in corporate decision-making that underlies current staffing assessments and projections for future workforce needs based on business demand.
For a smooth functioning of your business especially one that has more than 15 employees, begin your investments to a great and effective HR team!
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